
What every supplement brand should know about finished goods testing

Importance of testing

With supplement manufacturers around every corner today, the need to understand the importance of finished goods testing is crucial. A good dietary supplement manufacturer should follow the established quality control process for supplement testing. Each product must be tested for quality, stability, efficacy, and safety to ensure that it is suitable for human consumption. 

Testing is an important part of supplement manufacturing and good manufacturing practices as each ingredient has to be tested and deemed safe for human consumption. Reliable supplement manufacturers such as PureNSM initially carry out raw material testing to verify each raw materials’ quality. These raw materials are tested for identity, potency, and purity. The raw materials are also tested for any contaminants that could cause the adulteration of the finished product. All incoming ingredients are also validated via spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. Only after a comprehensive raw material testing will a supplement manufacturer with GMP certification approve them to be used in a dietary supplement.

FDA short warnings 

Any manufacturer caught violating the GMP manufacturing regulations set by the FDA is issued a warning letter. The warning letters outline the violations that have been committed by the manufacturer. These violations may include inadequate manufacturing practices, issues with what a product claims to do, or failure to provide adequate usage instructions. After the issuance of a warning letter, the FDA provides directions and corrective measures that are to be taken to rectify the problem. The FDA also asks the manufacturer to provide a timeframe during which the manufacturer intends to rectify the problem. 

After the supplement manufacturer takes the corrective measures outlined in the warning letter, the FDA conducts a follow-up inspection to see if the suggested corrections have been made. If satisfied, the FDA issues a close-out-letter, verifying that the supplement manufacturer has implemented the suggested corrective measures.

Reasons to conduct finished goods testing. 

Finished good testing is vital as customers need to know that none of the listed supplement facts are misleading and what they are actually consuming is listed on the label. For this reason, the manufacturer conducts a finished goods testing of every dietary supplement batch. Finished goods testing verifies each supplement batch to ensure that it meets the identity, composition, purity, and strength specifications. After being tested for quality and safety, the finished batch is then tested again for stability.

Stability Testing 

Several environmental factors such as oxygen, moisture, temperature, metallic ions, oxidization, and water activity may affect a dietary supplement’s stability. To ensure that the product meets customer expectations throughout its shelf life, the final stage of testing involves stability testing. Product stability testing is conducted to ensure that there are no organoleptic changes in the product during its proposed and expected shelf life. It ensures that the dietary supplement facts and claimed active ingredient requirements are met throughout the product’s shelf life. Stability testing also helps the supplement manufacturer predict the product’s shelf life.

How is PureNSM manufacturing quality dietary supplements?

From start to finish, supplement manufacturing can prove to be a difficult process. Once you partner with PureNSM, you will never have to worry about the supplement manufacturing hassles because PureNSM strictly follows current good manufacturing practices. From raw material and contaminant testing to packaging and labeling, PureNSM will manufacture your supplement according to the set GMP standards and GMP regulations.

PureNSM has a fully equipped and robust GMP compliance system. At PureNSM, we believe that since we are making your product, you have the right to be fully involved in the manufacturing process. Therefore, there will always be someone available to assist you throughout the manufacturing process and answer any queries you might have about your product.
PureNSM conducts thorough Heavy metal and Microbiology analysis, including Identity and Potency testing, with no compromise on quality control and cGMP regulations (current goods manufacturing practice regulations). With pureNSM, you can be sure there will be no organoleptic changes in the product during its proposed and expected shelf life.

