No CoQ10 in CoQ10 Sold by Two Amazon Sellers

No CoQ10 in CoQ10 Sold by Two Amazon Sellers. – Ten out of 10 Products Failed Potency Testing!

“Drylabbing” and “Swapplabbing” are two Reasons Amazon Cannot Trust Some Amazon Supplement Sellers.

There are many excellent supplements for sale on Amazon. I should know, since we manufacture for many top selling brands sold on Amazon.

There is a problem on Amazon who owns 77% of all online supplement sales.

Amazon can’t trust Certificate of Analysis (COA) from some sellers because Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) and brands have been proven to alter the COAs that accompany every batch of supplements sent to Amazon. Further, CMOs can easily send in incorrect samples to the laboratory to be tested, rather than samples taken randomly from the product line.

In 2020 ten brands were tested, and eight brands were tested in 2021-2022. Of the brands that were tested, no brand met the claims stated on their labels. Two brands had zero active ingredients in them, one brand had less than 1%, and nearly all of the brands had less than 6%.

Amazon will never be able to reign in control of quality unless they become relentless in its pursuit, both to ensure that quality products are sold on its platform, and in its aim for consumer satisfaction. So far Amazon falls woefully short on quality control although they are struggling to get better.


No CoQ10 in CoQ10 Sold by Two Amazon Sellers

Amazon Has a Back Door to All Major ISO-Certified Laboratories

Amazon already knows they have a big problem with quality and they are learning more and more about which CMOs cannot be trusted. The company has a back door to all the major ISO-certified laboratories where they can login and check whether the COA provided by the CMO has been altered or if it is made up entirely! 

A laboratory reported to Oskar Thorvaldsson, CEO of PureNSM, that “They noticed yesterday that one contract manufacturer had added a line to the COA making it look like the raw material tested had good results, when no test had been done on the raw material at all.” This happens many times per week, according to the lab tech.

Despite Amazon’s efforts this back door access falls short.


Amazon’s “Back Door” to COAs Fails to Keep Amazon Supplement Sellers Honest

It’s obvious that Amazon knows there is a problem with Amazon supplement sellers. Why else would they bother with a back door access to all the major quality control labs? They know that Amazon Sellers are prone to cheat consumers, either willingly or because they themselves were cheated by their CMOs..


If Amazon supplement sellers and CMOs frequently falsify COAs, why is Amazon trusting them to submit a random sample that is supposed to be representative of the current lot?

CMOs can easily send in a sample specially designed to pass any potency test with flying colors. They just need to make a small lab-sized batch with high potency and keep that for passing all future low or no potency batches through the Amazon quality control system.


Drylabbing and Swapplabbing Both Result in False COA and Useless Supplements Sold on Amazon

Sadly, falsification of COAs is so frequent that now there is a name for it. It’s called “drylabbing”, ie no chemistry done. Now we can come up with a new name for swapping a randomly picked sample with a known sample, how about “swapplabbing”?

What is needed in the supplement industry above all else is a system that enables consumers to trust brands again. This is now completely absent. VeriGMP provides an excellent solution!

An Investment Opportunity:

VeriGMP Lab Logistics and Quality
Communication System 
100% Compostable Vitamin Bottles
PureNSM Group plans to go public within a year. However we are now raising funds (Equity Crowd Funding) to disrupt both quality communication in the industry with the VeriGMP® system as well as promoting the use of 100% compostable vitamin bottles. Both projects are welcomed by many brand owners. (link to investment plans). 


Amazon will eventually catch on and start rewarding quality and it will be easier with the help of VeriGMP.

The story of PureNSM Group started in 1993 when we established our supplement factory. We now have 45,000 sq ft, over $14m in revenue and over $4m in sales from our own brand of supplements. We have a fully GMP trained staff. Certified GMP by UL since 2017 and by NSF since 2014.


Oskar Thorvaldsson, CEO
PureNSM, VeriGMP, Dr. Clark Store, Bernard Jensen’s, Pick Pack America 
Cell Phone: 619-957-1918
Company Phone: 619-409-9077 ext 0  



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