PureNSM Joint Venture Opportunity

If you are wanting a freeze-drying facility, then we have the opportunity for you. The following equipment is available (with comprehensive training and maintenance) without charge if the current owner is made part of a viable Joint Venture between you, PureNSM and the current owner. Equipment would be located in a new facility close to our current operations and the new JV would fall under the current GMP certifications we currently now have for PureNSM (UL and NSF).

Serious enquiries only please. Please explain what you would like to do with the equipment, etc. New and old brands are welcome to discuss this with us. You will need to afford to pay the rent for the new facility (about $3,000 per month) and about $65,000 buildout cost.

Hull Model-72

Unit 1 is a Hull Model 72. Shelf capacity is 72 square feet (six 36” x 48”’shelves). Built in 1972 and refurbished in 2009. It is capable of bulk or vial drying (stoppering option). It needs a little maintenance but we will take care of that. A unit this size built today would run $500K to $750k.


Unit 2 is a Virtis Ultra 35XL-70. It is a pilot size unit. It has eight 10” x 20” shelves for a total of 11.1 square feet. Also has a stoppering option. I believe it was built in 2008. If built today, it would cost $100-150k.

Virtis Ultra 35XL-70